CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research | IT Department | UDS Group | Scientific Text Processing Service | |
At CERN the latest release of TeXLive 2007 was made available
at the beginning of 2007, so that the most recent versions of LaTeX
and its packages can be used (see LaTeX at CERN for more
Precise typographical rules apply for marking up scientific
manuscripts. A few of those are detailed here. Try and apply them in a consistent
way. Do not add blanks to make formulae or tabular material look
Restrain from using specific page-layout commands, such as forced
line or page breaks. After implementing the copy-editing and other
corrections plus running your file with the CERN classes the precise
page layout will be completely different from what you see and this
optimization will be performed by us in the final production stage.
Last Mod. 2 May 2007 (MG)Typographic conventions are important
Specific visual markup is a nuisance
, keep your markup as simple as possible, and stick to
LaTeX commands. In particular, do not overload your
electronic manuscript with zillions of home-made commands for saving a
few keystrokes. If you do this your file becomes completely
unintelligible and unmaintainable for outsiders (such as the staff who
have to deal with your compuscript).Useful information about LaTeX